Lets Drift

Helping Lets Drift evolve into a profitable business model while giving their adventurers better value with a powerful calendar & service subscriptions.

ZIA Africa

Helping Zia Bett-Nyamari uplift women into modern elegance with her own distinct fashion brand, ZIA Africa, through a Shopify online store.

Wild by Murugi

Transforming Murugi Munyi's fashion brand Wild by Murugi, to improve online shoppers' experience, boost customer engagement, grow revenue and spread body-positivity.

Dr Patricia Murugami

Helping Dr Patricia Murugami give her multinational community personal value through her online coaching, life-hacking books and memberships.

Keto Life

Transforming Keto Life by Zia into a community for keto enthusiasts through a lifestyle blog, product showcase, and beginner ebook sales.